Our School

Grades Taught



Suzuki Charter School started in 1985 as a Kindergarten with eighteen young violinists and two enthusiastic teachers, Sharon Goulet and Wende Grant, working to incorporate Dr. Shinichi Suzuki’s method and philosophy of teaching young children to play a musical instrument in an academic school setting. Alberta Education’s visionary plan allowing for educational innovation and the drive and dedication of many parents, staff, and students helped our school to evolve into a successful charter school celebrating over 30 years of existence with an enrolment of over 300 students and the study of nine musical instruments. Suzuki Charter School became a public charter school in 1995. We receive public funding and are provided the opportunity to demonstrate innovative education in Edmonton. Our school is intended to serve parents who have a commitment to music for their children, in accordance with Suzuki philosophy, and who actively support that commitment. Suzuki Charter School also creates a warm, supportive, learning environment for children. Working closely with parents to meet the needs of each student, our accomplished teachers help Suzuki Charter School children become confident, skilled, lifelong learners with positive attitudes toward learning.


Every child achieving individual academic, personal and musical excellence.


Based on the philosophy of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, students, staff, parents and partners work together to create a nurturing learning environment to support student mastery.

Key Messages and Values

At Suzuki Charter School WE VALUE:

  • The belief that every child can learn.
  • A safe, caring and welcoming environment.
  • Academic, musical and personal progress for each child.
  • Staff working together to optimize quality education for each child
  • Working collaboratively with parents to inform teaching strategies that accelerate student learning.
  • Empathy, equity and fairness.
  • Staff sharing responsibility to ensure positive learning experiences for all students.
  • Evolving and refining practices to align with current educational context.
  • Innovation and research to support new approaches to teaching and learning.

We are a public school with the added value of intensive music education where academic program instruction is designed to reflect the Suzuki Approach to music instruction.

Principal's Welcome

Tannis Klassen

“Our purpose does not lie in a movement to create professional musicians, but to create persons of a beautiful mind and fine ability. We engage in human education through music so that children will grow with beautiful and high sensitivity, through an unparalleled, uniquely musical approach.” Dr. Shinichi Suzuki

Welcome to the unique educational experience that is offered at Suzuki Charter School. Our mandate is to provide a holistic education where every child achieves academic, personal and musical excellence. Based on the philosophy of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki, students, staff, parents and partners work together to create a nurturing learning environment to support student mastery. At Suzuki Charter School we learn and play in harmony.

We believe all students can learn and experience success when there is strong communication and supportive alignment between parents and staff; this concept is what we call the Suzuki Triangle. Parents provide the foundation for success with their efforts to attend individual music lessons, listen to repertoire daily and practice music, academics, and personal excellence daily. It is also the home that frames the development of character, work habits, aspirations and social behavior that are so important for success at school. Our staff models lifelong learning as a professional learning community. It is through their efforts that the Suzuki Approach is enacted in every classroom. However, it is the work we do together that makes our school community a family working together to prepare children to be lifelong learners and to have productive and fulfilling lives. If you are new to our school, take time to get involved and get to know the Suzuki families and staff members who will be working closely with you to bring out the best in your child.

We are excited to embark on a learning journey with you this year as we all strive to support each child in achieving academic, personal and musical excellence by designing opportunities for student mastery, a positive nurturing environment and strong partnerships between home and school. We wish you all a great year.


Our Beginnings

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Suzuki Charter School started in 1985 as a Kindergarten with eighteen young violinists and two enthusiastic teachers, Sharon Goulet and Wende Grant, working to incorporate Dr. Shinichi Suzuki’s method and philosophy of teaching young children to play a musical instrument in an academic school setting. Alberta Education’s visionary plan allowing for educational innovation and the drive and dedication of many parents, staff, and students helped our school to evolve into a successful charter school celebrating over 30 years of existence with an enrolment of 400 students and the study of nine musical instruments.

Suzuki Charter School became a public charter school in 1995. We receive public funding and are provided the opportunity to demonstrate innovative education in Edmonton. Our school is intended to serve parents who have a commitment to music for their children, in accordance with Suzuki philosophy, and who actively support that commitment. Suzuki Charter School also creates a warm, supportive, learning environment for children. Working closely with parents to meet the needs of each student, our accomplished teachers help Suzuki Charter School children become confident, skilled, lifelong learners with positive attitudes toward learning.