How Can I Donate?

How Can I Donate?

Tribute Giving

At Suzuki Charter School we are inspired by the philosophies of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki. One of his core ideals was to nurture students through love and positive role modeling.

When love is deep– much can be accomplished”.

You can honour a friend or family member who has had a positive impact on your life by sharing your love through a tribute gift to Suzuki Charter School Society. These donations can be made in memoriam or to honour friends, family members or colleagues. However you would like to give, or whatever your reasons for sharing, you can rest assured that your gift is bringing the gift of music and education to children. 

Legacy Giving

Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If children hear fine music from the day of their birth and learn to play it, they develop sensitivity, discipline and endurance. They get a beautiful heart.”

At Suzuki Charter School we believe that personal excellence, academic excellence, and musical excellence all go hand in hand to create students who will excel in all areas of life and become great citizens who contribute to our society. For those of you who concur and wish to contribute to the ongoing process of creating great citizens with beautiful hearts, we offer you the opportunity to donate through a legacy donation that reflects these values and beliefs.

A legacy or planned gift to Suzuki Charter School Society is a gift that will carry on the work of Dr. Suzuki and our school to inspire and educate children for years to come. It is more than just an ongoing financial gift - it is an affirmation of hopes and dreams; it is recognition of the importance of educating a really beautiful human spirit; and it is an acknowledgment that all children have talent and potential. A legacy gift gives a feeling of fulfillment that comes from knowing you have contributed to the academic, musical and personal excellence of generations to come.

Suzuki Charter School deeply appreciates the commitment and generosity of legacy donations and will work to continue on this unique educational opportunity far into the future. Legacy donations may be made in several forms including personal bequests, life insurance, large one-time donations, annual donations, or monthly donations and can be arranged through our Administration team. Legacy donors should contact our Principal or Assistant Principal at 780.468.2598.

Donations to Support Our Music Bursary or Material Giving 

 “I am mentally preparing myself for the five-year-old mind. I want to come down to their physical limitations and up to their sense of wonder and awe.”

By removing limitations that can arise in the course of educating students, you will allow all children to imagine, to be curious and to live in wonder. Donations to support our Music Bursary or Material donations such as sports equipment, playground items, current reference materials, instruments or art supplies may be arranged by contacting our Principal or Assistant Principal at 780.468.2598.