Suzuki Wins CBC Music Class Challenge (again)!!

Category 2: Elementary Instrumental (grades 4-6)
Winner ($3,000 in new musical instruments and a plaque): Suzuki Charter School from Edmonton, performing "Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf.
Judge's comments: "Your performance was upbeat and dynamic! Each of you deserve a big high-five. Performing together and playing different instruments is hard but you all make it look and sound easy. Congratulations to you and your teacher for a job well done." — Emily Tam, music teacher and CBC Music administrative assistant.
This is the 2nd win for Suzuki Charter School in this category.
Over the 5 years we have participated, we have been in the Top Ten every year with multiple groups and have also received a 2nd Place plaque for instrumental and an honourable mention for choral.
Congratulations to Suzuki students and Music Faculty!
You can check out the whole story here: CBC Music Class Challenge: Here are the winners